
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

55 Plants That MIGHT Be Poisonous To Cats- In Other Words, Keep Kitty Away From These!

  1. Amaryllis
  2. Asparagus Fern
  3. Autumn Crocus
  4. Avocado
  5. Azalea
  6. Begonia
  7. Boston Ivy
  8. Caladium
  9. Carnation
  10. Chinese Evergreen
  11. Chives
  12. Cyclamen
  13. Daffodil
  14. Delphinium
  15. Dumb Cane
  16. Easter Lily
  17. Elderberry
  18. Eucalyptus
  19.  Florida Beauty 
  20. Foxglove
  21. Foxtail
  22. German Ivy
  23. Hemlock
  24. Holly
  25. Honeysuckle
  26. Hydrangea
  27. Iris
  28. Ivy
  29. Jimsonweed
  30. Kalanchoe
  31. Lily
  32. Laurel
  33. Lobelia
  34. Marigold
  35. May Apple
  36. Milkweed
  37. Mistletoe
  38. Narcissus
  39. Oleander
  40. Onion
  41. Peace Lily
  42. Poison Hemlock
  43. Poison Ivy
  44. Poppy
  45. Rhubarb
  46. Shamrock Plant
  47. Stinkweed
  48. Taro Vine
  49. Tiger Lily
  50. Tobacco
  51. Tomato Plant
  52. Weeping Fig
  53. Wisteria
  54. Water Hemlock
  55. Yew

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